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The world is big. Very big. So big, most people don't know much about it.

What they do know, is their own life. The space around them. The stories that are told. The things they see.

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Arandel is a feudal country ruled over by King Yerland I and his wife, Queen T'nera. Court moves regularly from
duchy to duchy, although seems to frequent Fenshire and Southwark. Yerland's bloodline is pure Arandellic, whilst
his wife is from Yvech origin, citzens have mixed views on this.

Society is typically sorted into three categories: 
| THOSE WHO FIGHT | Those that fight, fight to protect those that pray and work.  |
| THOSE WHO PRAY  | Those that pray, pray for those who fight and work.           |
| THOSE WHO WORK  | Those that work, work for those who fight and pray            |
+-----------------+- -------------------------------------------------------------+

* The heirarchy of feudal society is as followed:

       	//  The Church  \\
       //  The Monarchy  \\
      //  Knights/Vassals \\
     // Merchants, Farmers \\
    //   Peasants, Serfs    \\

* There are seven main regions of Arandel:

| Duchy of Norgate               | Ruled by Duke Wyman of Norgate. CG.         |
| Known for vast forests, rich mines and it's large iron cathederal.							       |
| The local lords are renowned for their elaborate hunting parties and deep respect for the forest spirits.                    |
| Duchy of Almere                | Ruled by Duke Harmond of Almere. CN.        |
| Coastal duchy with bustling ports, strong navy. Trade and fishing town with a grand marketplace.                             |
| It is the gateway to the free world and often the object of pirate blockades.						       |
| Duchy of Dartchester           | Ruled  by Duke Garrick Stonearm. LN         |
| Dominated by a massive fortress built upon an ancient stone outcrop, Greystone is a strategic	military stronghold.           |
| Its knights are highly disciplined, and its walls have never been breached.						       |
| Duchy of Fenshire              |  Ruled by Duke Ivar the Stout. CG           |
| Known for its fine artisans and rich cultural life, Southwark is the artistic soul of Arandel.   			       |
| Its capital is adorned with beautiful architecture, thriving theatres, and a prestigious academy of magic.                   |
| Duchy of Southwark             | Ruled by Duke Jasper of Southwark. LG.      |
| Nestled around a pristine lake, Clearwater is famous for its clean water and healing spas.                                   |
| The duchy is a popular retreat for the nobility, seeking respite from the affairs of state.		   		       |
| Duchy of Thornvale             | Ruled by Duchess Seraphine the Mystic. CN.  |
| A mysterious land covered in thick brambles and dark woods, rumored to be home to various magical creatures.   	       |
| Its people are known for their superstitions and deep knowledge of ancient lore.				 	       |
| Duchy of Highmoor              | Ruled by Duchess Wynne of Highmoor. LN.     |
| Rugged terrain and harsh, cold climate. People are resliant and are warrior like.   	       				       |
| This borders Masharr's frozen jungles and is a place of hardship. Castles guard the jungle vigilantly.	 	       |

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* There is a world outside of Arandel. People travel from the Clanlands, Yvech, The Elven Empire, Geldor, Galene, Feravella, The Deserlands, Sentrillium.
  Only Pterosaurs fly from Mashaar due to the frozen jungles, with the exception of the caravan which crosses too and from Masharr once a year. 

* Outside of human strongholds, castles, villages, cities, roads and walkways. The world is overgrown, dangerous and unknown. 
  Arandel has a history of conquerers, it is reflected in it's architecture, as well as it's leftover dungeons, temples, castles and churches.

* International travellers tend to be pilgrims, merchants, messengers, militia or adventurers. Whilst some may speak Arandellic, a lot of travellers 
  choose to speak Nital, a language often spoken in religious circles. 

* Most cities close their gates after midnight and often have a curfew in place. Night is reserved for cut-throats, thieves and bandits. Shelter is recommended.
  Towns and villages often don't have the resources, however you'd find many decide to stay inside after midnight.

* Each duchy has it's own laws and customs, apart from the central laws put in place by the King. So some activities may be frowned upon in others.

* Due to the nature of the world, peasants don't venture far from their towns and villages, meaning there is plenty of work for the adventuring sort.

* Humanoids are part of society but are a minority group. 

| Dwarves          | Dwarves almost always come from the Clanlands and belong to one of the Seven Clans.                         |
| Native Elves     | Native Elves are Wood Elves and come from Thornvale.                                                        |
| Non-Native Elves | Non-Native Elves are from the Great Elven Empire of Ullissi (High Elves), Cerulari (Water) or Agack (Dark). |
| Halflings        | Halflings are river-dwellers and are usually from Southwark.                                                |
| Orcs             | Orcs that make it to Arandel would have crossed over from The Bonelands with an army or an magical order.   |
|		               | They are usually deserters or criminals, fleeing for  abetter life.					 |

There are seven Dwarven clans, each with their own unique slant on life in the Clanlands. 
Dwarves do not choose their clan, they are born into them. 

| Clan Name          | Symbol                          | Traits                                                        |
| Clan Stonehammer   | A hammer striking a mountain    | Renowned for mining and blacksmithing, creating finely        |
|                    |                                 | crafted weapons and armor with runes.                         |
| Clan Ironbeard     | A braided beard                 | Fierce warriors and skilled shipbuilders, known for their     |
|                    |                                 | spirit in battle and sturdy vessels.                          |
| Clan Frostforge    | An anvil encased in ice         | Specialize in crafting with ice and cold metals, adapted to   |
|                    |                                 | living in the coldest caverns.                                |
| Clan Runebound     | A book bound in runes           | Keepers of ancient knowledge and mystical runes, combining    |
|                    |                                 | magic with traditional craftsmanship.                         |
| Clan Longbeard     | A long ship with a bearded prow | Explorers and conquerors, adept at navigating underground     |
|                    |                                 | waterways and establishing new settlements.                   |
| Clan Stormaxe      | A battle axe with a lightning   | Masters of the storm, using weather magic in battle and       |
|                    | bolt                            | known for their tempestuous nature.                           |
| Clan Shieldbreaker | A shattered shield              | Specialists in siege warfare and strategic warfare, capable   |
|                    |                                 | of breaching formidable defenses.                             |

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* Arandel has a 12 month calendar, which is not too disimilar with Earth's Gregorian model. The months have their Nital titled, followed by what commonors often call it. The months are as followed, along with their holidays:

| Month                                | Holidays                                                                                                |
| Gelummensis (The Frost)              | Benedictio Hiemis (Winter's Blessing): 5th day - Prayers for warmth and survival.                       |
|                                      | Luminaria Festum (Festival of Lights): 20th day - Lanterns and bonfires to drive away the long nights.  |
| Glaciamentum (The Tide)              | Convivia Hiemis (Midwinter's Feast): 10th day - Communal feast to share food stores.                    |
|                                      | Candelorum (Candlemas): 28th day - Symbolizing the returning light and end of the darkest days          |
| Solutio (The Thaw)                   | Dies Solutio (Day of Thaw): 1st day - Marking the first signs of melting snow.                          |
|                                      | Plantatio Festum (Seedling Festival): 15th day - Planting the first seeds.                              |
| Imbricatus (The Rain)                | Vespera Veris (Spring's Eve): 7th day - Celebrating the start of the growing season.
|                                      | Renovatio Festum (Festival of Rebirth): 21st day - Rituals for fertility and new life.
| Florens (The Bloom)                  | Floralia Saltatio (Flower Dance): 10th day - Dances and flower garlands.
|                                      | Florenus Dies (Bloom Day): 30th day - Games and outdoor festivities.
| Solis Alta (The Sun)                 | Solstitium Aestivum (Summer Solstice): 15th day - Marking the longest day of the year.
|                                      | Sol Regis Festum (Sun King’s Festival): 25th day - Celebrating the sun and its life-giving warmth.
Aurea Ager (The Field)                   Spes Messis (Harvest's Hope): 10th day - Prayers for a bountiful harvest.   
                                         Abundantia Convivia (Feast of Plenty): 22nd day - Celebrating the abundance of summer.
Foenumensis (The Hay)                    Messis Foeni (Hay Harvest): 5th day - Gathering hay.

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* Religion is life. The gods watch over the people and know all. Monks tend to the sick. Church is encouraged at least once a week.
  The recognised gods are as followed:
| Deity               | Domain                            |
| Eldarin             | Sun & Justice                     |
| Maelora             | Harvest & Fertility               |
| Thalorin            | Knowledge & Wisdom                |
| Wistara             | Life & Healing (CLERICS)          |
| The Overseer        | Magic & Majesty (MAGES)           |
| Sylvara             | Nature & Animals (DEBATED DRUIDS) |
| Beldan              | Home & Hearth                     |
| Morak               | War & Conquest                    |
| Vesha               | Deceit & Manipulation             |
| Gharn               | Death & the Underworld            |
| Zulthera            | Storm & Destruction               |
| Ildriss             | Plague & Suffering                |

* Saints are also recognised, common ones include Quell the Traveller, Sarvin the Hedgewitch, Fentalis the Merchant and Keldra the Lover.

* Magic has three unique sources: 	+ The Overseer grants mages the power of the vale (an invisible, incomprehensable magical energy.)
					+ Wistara grants healing powers to clerics.
					+ Druids often claim their powers come directly from Sylvara, this is debated.

 Due to the nature of magic and the limitation of mortal minds, the mind can only remember spells for a limited amount of time and are expunged once cast. 
* A modern marvel is VIZ, a substance made by alchemists which allows a Magic-User to cast spells without losing them from memory. 
  The VIZ is consumed in the process. A first level spell consumes one viz, a second level spell consumes two, a third level spell consumes three, and so on.
  Due to the nature of VIZ, quality is paramount, for a dodgy blend of VIZ can be disasterous. 

* Healing can be accelerated by healers (for a price), monks (free but donation recommended) and clerics at their disgression. 

* Magical items and artifacts from civilisations gone by represent a different age, where magic was abused. This is believed to be what caused the
  ice age in Masharr, which grows larger each year. Old magic practice is forbidden and even then, it is largely unknown.